To be the agent of our own transformation
True alchemy in no way proceeds from formulas and other more or less hermetic magic practices. It is a work of the mind on matter, our matter, an inner transmutation that takes place through the union of wisdom and love. For this we must discover all the resources that are in us and of which we are not aware, in order to transform all the evil that we are done, and that we also do, into gold, that is to say in pure light.
1 – Spiritual Alchemy
2 – The Human Tree
3 – Character and Temperament
4 – Our Heritage from the Animal Kingdom
5 – Fear
6 – Stereotypes
7 – Grafting
8 – The Use of Energy
9 – Sacrifice, the Transmutation of Matter
10. Vainglory and Divine Glory
11 – Pride and Humility
12 – The Sublimation of Sexual Energy