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Spirituality in everyday life


The themes presented in these extracts are developed in the following books from the Izvor Collection:
P0202AN: Man, Master of his Destiny
P0211AN: Freedom, the Spirit Triumphant
P0214AN: Cosmic Creation – Union of the Masculine and Feminine
P0224AN: The Powers of Thought
P0227AN: Golden Rules for Everyday Life
P0231AN: The Seeds of Happiness

– Striking a balance between the spiritual and the material
– Distinguish clearly between the end and the means
– Physical labour and spiritual labour
– Everyday tasks
– The decision to start a family
– Do not try to impose your own convictions
– The life of a couple: facing up to the problems
– Fate: acceptance not subjection
– Our field of responsibility
– The right attitude
– We can influence others only through example
– Giving and receiving
– A higher justice
– How to help one’s country
– One cannot save oneself alone