It’s easier to believe than to love.’
While it is right and healthy to have faith and defend it, trying to impose it on others is a form of fanaticism. In order to avoid such a situation one must never separate faith from love. If it is very difficult to know what love is, we can see its manifestations such as tolerance, gentleness, humility, empathy, kindness. It is only on this condition that we will keep the two pillars of our inner temple of faith and love.
1 – The uncertainties of modern man
2 – Destructive doubt: unification and bifurcation
3 – Constructive doubt
4 – “Your faith has made you well”
5 – Let it be done for you according to your appreciation
6 – Only your actions witness to our faith
7 – Never abandon your faith in good
8 – “Unless you become like children”
9 – “The greatest of these is love”
10 – Base your trust on vigilance
11 – “As I have loved you”